CADO Classifieds - The Classifieds for Insurance Claims Adjusters

 Hot Ad FEMA Authorized Flood Adjusters Wanted
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 Ad Posted: Friday, March 7, 2025
 Ad Expires:  Tuesday, May 6, 2025
 User Information:
Posted by: floodclaims
Phone: 484-888-3582
User Location: Downingtown
User Web Site: User Web Site
All User Ads: All Ads by floodclaims
 Ad Information:
Company Name:  All Seaons Adjusting, Inc.
Contact Name:  Mike Carli
Address:  2 Lyndell Rd
City:  Lyndell
State:  PA
Zip:  19354
Phone:  610-942-3606
BBB Accredited:  Not Provided

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Viewed: 382 times 
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All Seasons Adjusting, Inc. is looking for FEMA Authorized Flood Adjusters who live on the following states: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, N. Texas, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington.

All Seasons Adjusting, Inc. provides nationwide flood claims adjusting services to Write Your Own (WYO’s), Insurance Carriers, Third Party Administrators (TPA’s), and private flood carriers. Our team of proven, seasoned and experienced FEMA authorized flood adjusters accompanied by highly qualified internal claims examination team, provides industry leading flood claim reports to our clients. Everyday our team of professionals live by the ASA motto “Exceeding expectations is not our motto, it is the way we do business.”

Please email your resume to:
 Status: Active