CADO Classifieds - The Classifieds for Insurance Claims Adjusters

 Hot Ad Resource Recruitment Manager
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 Ad Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2021
 Ad Expires:  Thursday, December 23, 2021
 User Information:
Posted by: Legion
Phone: 2253045070
User Location: Baton Rouge
All User Ads: All Ads by Legion
 Ad Information:
Company Name:  Legion Claims
Contact Name:  Heather Klapperich
Address:  9404 Interline Ave
City:  Baton Rouge
State:  LA
Zip:  70809
Phone:  2253045070
BBB Accredited:  Not Provided

 Ad Description: Report if this ad is offensive 
Viewed: 787 times 
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Legion Claims is seeking a qualified Resource Recruitment Manager for our growing catastrophe adjusting firm. This full-time position will involve building and staying connected with our roster of adjusters throughout the year, as well as filling deployments as they arise. The ideal candidate would have adjusting experience in multi-lines claims, but with focus on HO and Commercial property claims, desk and field. This individual may work remote, but needs to be self-motivated, enjoy communicating with potential adjusters daily and be comfortable leading a team. Resumes can be sent to
 Status: Disabled